For millennia, our ancestors took stock of all they had as they brought in the last harvest. It was a matter of survival. Current-day humans entertain related concerns in this season; Earth pulls us to do so. As we gather our furniture from the deck and the last of our carrots from the garden we might find ourselves asking (and this may be about our lives): “Do I have what I need to be sustained and nourished in the upcoming seasons?” “What seeds have been put in the ground?” “What is available to share?” And maybe, “Are there yummy spices and seasonings available?”
I am happy, by the way, to explore all of these questions with you in personal coaching.
Two years ago, I experienced sadness and fear in this season. Last year, the feeling of loss was strong with the death of my mother-in-law, but I had a glimpse of what lie ahead for me. This year, my personal landscape continues to shift by destiny and by design. Way too many friends are leaving the planet at once, reminding me how precious our time on this planet is and what we leave behind. Meanwhile, changes to my practice are underway; I look forward to what will push out of the ground in next year’s thaw.
Looking Ahead
In the near future I anticipate soups and stews in a house warmed by the wood stove, candlelight, and hugs. Further away, I imagine emerging on snowshoes into bright sun on a snowy summit. Out more, I look forward to the possibility of traveling to a warmer climate where my absolutely brilliant granddaughter shines her light.
And I’m building something new.

Carving a New Path
In the gardens in my back yard—this beloved space that offers so much to me—I am literally building a new path.
I shovel, walk to test it, shovel, walk. I back up to look at the way the lines flow together. This work will be covered by snow within the month, even forgotten about. But roots are in the ground all around it, spreading as this is written, then lying in wait.
The situation is much the same as I refocus my coaching practice.
Am I still coaching? Of course! Offering workshops? Absolutely! I will have more to share … but not yet. I’m still working on my last harvest.
Susan McDowell is a personal coach based in Central Vermont.