Take the outside in.
Inside the Experience, we spend time centering in place, in our bodies, and in our breath. We awaken our senses, and—quite possibly!—our sense of wonder.
This is not an athletic or strenuous endeavor. The most active portion of a Mindful Outdoor Experience is described with words such as meander, stroll, ramble, wander. You’ll be invited to sit quietly on or near the ground for a portion of the time—always with the option to modify any movement(s) suggested.
You might remember you are nature.
Is This for You?
Are you
- feeling stressed, rushed, or unfocused? Overwhelmed?
- spending too much time with screens?
- needing inspiration?
- sensing disconnection from the planet we live on?
Would you prefer to be
- feeling calm and centered?
- more in tune with your body?
- better able to tap in to creative thought?
- aware of life around you?

In The Words of Others
- It felt like a journey.
- I really appreciated the connection to the place and the critters.
- The more I noticed, the more I was aware … [of ] the trees and the wind and the critters and the squirrels making weird noises.
- That sense of awareness went from constantly being aware of what’s within to being aware of what’s out there.
- WHOA! There’s calmness here (hand floats over head). There’s no buzzing! I like this!
- I appreciated the silence.
- Being able to come back and be present in nature was so relaxing.
- [Noticing all the colors] really made me present with all of my surroundings.
- It made me feel the earth, really feel it. And what a gift that is!
- Being present and feeling the things outside—on my face, on my hair, on my hands—it’s kind of emotional.
- The silence, the quietness, and relaxation; all of those were a gift.
- … recognizing I had a really tough weekend, it’s been a really tough week and it’s only Wednesday and just having the space to do that was very healing for me.
- It was lovely to feel connected.
- I felt really in tune.
- The harmony of what we were doing today was perfect.